WELCOME to our Forest Lakes Resident's Information Station!
WELCOME to our Forest Lakes Resident's Information Station!
A non-profit social organization that was established in April, 1967 in order to develop and implement short and long range plans that protect and enhance area value. FLOA provides for the maintenance, preservation and control of the Association property and/or common areas within FOREST LAKES ESTATES, including any further additions.
Board/Member Meetings are held monthly from May - September, on the 3rd Saturday at 2:00 p.m. at the Community Center House.
Check out the "About FLOA" page for much more information.
Meets on Sundays at 10 AM from Mid-May through September
Located at School District/Library Building, 3031 Old Rim Rd., Forest Lakes, AZS 85931
An Inter-Denominational Worship Service
Check out much more information at www.azflcc.org
A non-profit organization consisting of a Board of Directors and paid membership. Meetings are held on the 3rd Saturday of the month from March through October at 9 AM at the Fire Station.
They plan and hold fund raising events to assist the fire district with special projects.
Website: www.flfdaz.com/auxiliary
A quilting group for adult women and men.
Meets weekly on Wednesdays from 9 AM until 3PM
from mid-May through October. Dues paid annually.
Location: School District/Library Meeting Room, 3031 Old Rim Road.
Members work on their own projects and create handmade items to sell for the group. They design, create and raffle one special quilt every year. Raffle tickets and handmade items are sold at various events throughout the summer as their fundraisers. Proceeds support local community projects. The Raffle drawing is held at the FLOA Annual Business Meeting in September.