WELCOME to the Forest Lakes Owners Association Community
WELCOME to the Forest Lakes Owners Association Community
The Community Center is owned and operated by FLOA. They are responsible for its management, including financial sustainability for utilities, maintenance, insurances, property taxes, and other related costs.
Located at 1111 Merzville Rd., it houses the corporate office and is used for all FLOA meetings, events and activities. It is also available for usage and rent to members, residents, and all local organizations.
FLOA Membership Dues and fundraisers pay for a large majority of the expenses and upkeep. Several Forest Lakes organizations have donated funds for improvements, additions, and special projects, which wouldn't be possible if it weren't for their generosity. Improvements are ongoing to meet the needs to serve the members effectively.
A complete list of Usage Guidelines, as well as Usage Application can be found below.
The Forest Lakes Community Center may be used by FLOA members, residents and local community organizations for a small fee. It can be used at no charge for community information presentations by such groups as the Forest Service and Coconino County.
Usage Request Coordinator: Scott Keele
Contact information: 602-570-2002
E-mail: scootersfree@yahoo.com
ALSO..........FLOA has a large inventory of tables and chairs that can be rented for private events. An Equipment Request Form can be found in the list of Documents.
Contact person: Scott Keele (see info above)
The Community Center was purchased by the Forest Lakes Owners Association (FLOA) on December 12, 2014. Up until this time, FLOA did not have its own facilities. They rented space wherever they could to hold monthly meetings and community events. For over 20 years, FLOA members held many fundraising events to save money to someday purchase their own facility. Due to their efforts, they saved a lot of money and were able to pay cash for the property.
At time of purchase, existing buildings were a "fixer upper" house and a Quonset building. With many hours of hard work, the members came together for many Clean-Up Days to make the property usable.
Added since 2014 have been a garage (Mack Shack), storage buildings, covered ramadas for outdoor events, fences to mark boundary and concrete sidewalks. It will always be a work in progress.
At the time of purchase, the property was zoned as "commercial/residential". In 2017 FLOA applied for a Special Use Permit that was approved by Coconino County Planning and Zoning in April, 2018. They classified it as a Club.
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