WELCOME to the Forest Lakes Owners Association Community
WELCOME to the Forest Lakes Owners Association Community
The missions of FLOA are:
· To inform and represent the membership in regards to community and county decisions that affect Forest Lakes Estates
· To lend support to other Forest Lakes organizations
· To interface with County, State and Federal organizations affecting Forest Lakes
· To coordinate social activities and special events for the general benefit of the community
The non-profit corporation was established in April, 1967 in order to develop and implement short and long range plans that protect and enhance area value.
FLOA provides for the maintenance, preservation and control of the Association property and/or common areas within FOREST LAKES ESTATES, including any further additions.
FLOA is the sole proprietor of the Community Center, purchased on December 12, 2014, and is responsible for its management, including financial sustainability for utilities, maintenance, insurances, property taxes, and other related costs.
FLOA is not an "HOA" as commonly formed in other communities, as we have no required dues or levies, and we have no enforcement authority regarding CC&Rs.
And much more.......
Who can join…..
Membership is not required, as would be in an "HOA", but we invite everyone who calls Forest Lakes their home to join!
Dues are just $30 per calendar year per household. And..... "Over & Above" gifts are always appreciated! They are used for Community Center improvements.
New residents can join at any time. CLICK HERE for more information.
The FLOA Board of Directors consists of 9 members who are elected by the FLOA membership.
2024-2025 FLOA Board of Directors
Contact Information
President: Cal Phillips - calphillipsphx@gmail.com
Vice President: Scott Keele - scootersfree@yahoo.com
Secretary: Rhonda Walters - rhonda@rhondawalters.com
Treasurer: Dino Cerchie - cerchie1@gmail.com
Donna Brunton - dobrunton@aol.com
Penny Jones - pennyjones@cox.net
Helen Krsul - hkrsul@gmail.com
Shari Massion - ssmassion45@gmail.com
Ron Williams - rbwillliams@usa.net
Meetings are held monthly on the 3rd Saturday from May through September at the Community Center House, 1111 Merzville Road, at 2 PM.
A typical agenda includes a reading of the minutes of the previous meeting, a Treasurer's report, announcements from the Board President, reports regarding various projects and issues, and an open forum with audience participation.
At the meetings, guest speakers and program presentations are common with topics related to issues of interest to Forest Lakes.
Members are invited and encouraged to attend.
Copyright © 2018 - 2025 Forest Lakes Owners Association - All Rights Reserved.